Notice is given that an Informational Meeting will be held Monday May 22, 2023 6:30pm. It will be held in the Commissioner’s Board Room on the third level of the Historic Courthouse located at 215 1st Ave South, Long Prairie, MN 56347. This Informational Meeting is regarding the failing tile line between Center Lake and Felix Lake and the condition of the open ditch, etc. All interested landowners are welcome and encouraged to attend this Informational Meeting. County Commissioners Becker, Denny, Erickson, Noska, and Neumann, County Ditch Inspector Nancy Uhlenkamp, and Ditch Attorney Kale Van Bruggen will be present. If any additional information is needed before this meeting, please contact Nancy Uhlenkamp County Ditch Inspector located at Public Works, 44 Riverside Drive, Long Prairie, MN 56347, Phone 320-533-4651, email:
By Lisa parteka