Todd County is the recipient of County Program Aid grant funds for Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) prevention from the state of Minnesota as a result of 2014 Session Law Chapter 308. The purpose of these funds is to “prevent the introduction or limit the spread of aquatic invasive species at all the access sites within the county” (MN Statutes 477A.19).
The objective of this RFP is to facilitate the disbursement of these funds to parties interested in conducting work to this purpose.
Todd County is soliciting Local Government Units (LGU), private businesses and/or others who qualify for
proposals for the Todd County AIS Program in 2024. The details of this RFP can be found on the Todd County website or contact the Todd County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) at 320-732-2644. Applications are due March 09, 2024.