Notice is hereby given this 8th day of May, 2024, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 18.83, Subdivision 1 (2009), that all persons in Todd County, Minnesota, shall control or eradicate noxious weeds on land they occupy or are required to maintain (Landowners are required to control noxious weeds on lands enrolled in an FSA program. Please contact FSA for control requirements). Control or eradication may be done by any lawful method, but the method(s) may need to be repeated to prevent spread of viable noxious weed seeds and other propagating parts. Failure to comply with the general notice may mean that an individual notice, Minnesota Statutes, Section 18.83, Subdivision 2 (2009), will be issued. Failure to comply with an individual notice may mean the inspector having jurisdiction may hire the work done. If the work is hired done, the cost can be placed as a tax upon the land and collected as other real estate taxes are collected. You may obtain the Noxious Weed List from your County Agricultural Inspector (CAI) or your Local Weed Inspectors (LWI). LWIs include the township supervisors, city mayors or their appointed assistants. More information regarding the MN Noxious Weed Law and a list of CAIs can be obtained from the Minnesota Department of Agriculture’s Web Site: The noxious weeds that need to be: Eradicated: Black swallow-wort, Brown knapweed, Common teasel, Cutleaf teasel, Dalmatian toadflax, Diffuse knapweed, Giant hogweed, Grecian foxglove, Japanese honeysuckle, Japanese hops, Johnsongrass, Pale swallow-wort, Palmer amaranth, Red hailstone/goldencreeper, Tree of heaven and Yellow starthistle. Controlled: Bohemian knotweed, Canada thistle, Common barberry, Common tansy, Giant knotweed, Japanese knotweed, Leafy spurge, Meadow knapweed, Narrowleaf bittercress, Non-native phragmites, Plumeless thistle, Poison hemlock, Purple loosestrife, Round leaf bittersweet, Spotted knapweed, and Wild parsnip. Restricted Noxious Weeds: Amur honeysuckle, Amur silvergrass, Bell’s honeysuckle, Black locust, Common or European buckthorn, Crown vetch, European alder, Garlic mustard, Glossy buckthorn (all cultivars), Japanese barberry cultivars, Lesser celandine, Morrow’s honeysuckle, Multiflora rose, Porcelain berry, Saltcedar, Siberian peashrub, Tatarian honeysuckle, Wild carrot/Queen Anne’s lace and Winged burning bush (and all cultivars). Specially Regulated Plants: Amur corktree, Amur maple, Callery pear, Norway maple, Poison ivy and Tatarian maple. We appreciate your help in controlling and eradicating Noxious Weeds in Todd County. Nancy Uhlenkamp, Todd County Ditch and Ag Inspector, Located at Public Works, 44 Riverside Drive, Long Prairie, MN 56347. 320-533-4651
By TCAdmin