Conservation, Protection and Enhancement of Todd County’s Natural Resources
Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCD) are political subdivisions of the state of Minnesota established to carry out programs for the conservation and development of soil, water, and related resources. SWCD’s take available technical, financial, and educational resources, whatever their source, and focus or coordinate them so that they meet the needs of the local land user for conservation of soil, water, and related resources.
Todd SWCD was organized on March 29th, 1965 by the Todd County Commissioners and was certified by the Secretary of State on April 12th, 1965. Leadership and governance is provided by a board of five locally elected Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisors. The role of the elected District Supervisor is to develop policy, long range plans, and budgets which are then implemented by staff.
Mission Statement
Conservation, Protection, and Enhancement of Todd County’s Natural Resources. (updated 1.11.2018)
Deja Anton
District Manager,
Sarah Katterhagen
Program Coordinator,
Josh Votruba
Resource Conservationist – Riparian,
Kasen Christiansen
Resource Conservationist – Wetlands,
Dylan Pratt
Resource Conservationist – Feedlot,
Alyssa Scheve
Soil Health Practitioner,
Contact Us
Long Prairie, MN 56347
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Resource Links
Services & Programs
Todd SWCD staff help coordinate and provide one-on-one assistance to landowners on several State and Federal programs. These programs offer incentives and cost-share assistance to help landowners make changes in their management practices to positively impact soil and water quality. Popular practices include feedlot upgrades, crop residue management, irrigation water management, septic upgrades, shelterbelts, windbreaks, and well-sealing. SWCD staff works one-on-one with landowners on both State and Federal programs to plan and implement practices that benefit soil and water quality while positively affecting landowner profitability.
The Loan Program
- Provides low interest financing to farmers, rural landowners, and agricultural supply businesses to encourage agricultural best management practices that prevent or reduce runoff from feedlots and farm fields and other pollution problems identified by the county in local water plans.
- Provides loans for projects that reduce existing water quality problems caused by agricultural activities or failing septic systems.
- Helps landowners comply with water related laws or rules.
- Can be used with state and federal cost share or other sources of funding.
- Has fund available in most counties.
Who Can Apply:
- Farmers
- Rural Landowners
- Agricultural Supply Businesses
Eligible Practices for Low Interest Loans:
- Feedlot improvements
- Upgrading manure storage basins
- Improved manure handling, spreading and incorporation equipment
- Terraces, waterways, stream bank protection, sedimentation basin, windbreaks and other practices that prevent erosion
- Conservation tillage equipment
- Repair of individual sewage treatment systems
- Sealing abandoned wells
Ineligible Activities for Low Interest Loans:
- Most new construction projects
- Financing projects already completed
- Improvement for feedlots with more than 1,000 animal units
- Activities for operations that have had criminal procedures brought against them
For more information contact:
Sarah Katterhagen, Office Coordinator
For more information also visit:
Conservation buffers are best described as strips or other areas of land in permanent vegetation that help control pollutants and manage other environmental concerns. Filter strips, riparian buffers, field borders, grasses waterways, field windbreaks, shelter belts, and contour grass strips are all examples of conservation buffers.
Conservation buffers slow water runoff, trap sediment, and enhance infiltration within the buffer. Buffers also trap fertilizers, pesticides, pathogegns, and heavy metals, and they help trap snow and cut down on blowing soil in areas with strong winds. In addition, they protect livestock and wildlife from harsh weather and buildings from wind damage.
Todd County SWCD Monitoring Plan for Buffer Compliance Tracking
MN Board of Water and Soil Resources (buffer page)
MN DNR Buffer Map
Producer Appreciation Slide Show-2018
Producer Appreciation Slide Show-2017
Feedlot Registration News Release
Todd SWCD assumed the responsibility of being the technical arm of Feedlot Administration for Todd County. MPCA rules require the re-registration of all feedlots every 4 years.
2023 County Feedlot Financial Report
2023 Feedlot Annual Report
2022 County Feedlot Financial Report
2022 Annual Report
2021 Annual Report
MPCA Information
2020 Annual Report
2022-2023 MPCA County Feedlot Program Delegation Agreement Work Plan
2019 Annual Report
2018 Annual Report
2017 Annual Report
2016-2017 Annual Feedlot Workplan
Manure Application Record Keeping Card
Livestock Carcass Disposal
Large CAFO Feedlot
Land Application Agreement
2018 CFO Report
Construction and Interim Permit
Manure Management Plan Forms
All forms need to be returned to Todd SWCD
For more information regarding feedlots also visit
A rain garden is a planted depression that allows rainwater runoff from impervious urban areas like roofs, driveways, walkways, parking lots, and compacted lawn areas the opportunity to be absorbed. This reduces rain runoff by allowing storm water to soak into the ground (as opposed to flowing into storm drains and surface waters which causes erosion, water pollution, flooding, and diminished groundwater). They can be designed for specific soils and climates. Rain gardens can cut down on the amount of pollution reaching creeks and streams by up to 30%.
Native plants are recommended for rain gardens because they generally don’t require fertilizer and are more tolerant of one’s local climate, soil, and water conditions, and attract local wildlife such as native birds. The plants — a selection of wetland edge vegetation, such as wildflowers, sedges, rushes, ferns, shrubs and small trees — take up excess water flowing into the rain garden. Water filters through soil layers before entering the groundwater system. Root systems enhance infiltration, maintain or even augment soil permeability, provide moisture redistribution, and sustain diverse microbial populations involved in biofiltration. Also, through the process of transpiration, rain garden plants return water vapor to the atmosphere. A more wide-ranging definition covers all the possible elements that can be used to capture, channel, divert, and make the most of the natural rain and snow that falls on a property. The whole garden can become a rain garden, and all of the individual elements that we deal with in detail are either components of it, or are small-scale rain gardens in themselves.
The Reinvest in Minnesota, (RIM) program strives to protect and improve water quality by encouraging landowners to retire environmentally sensitive land from agricultural production. The program reimburses landowners for enrolling their land in a permanent conservation easement and then provides assistance to restore areas to grass, trees or wetlands. Other benefits of the program include reduced soil erosion and sedimentation, enhanced fish and wildlife, habitat, flood control and ground recharge. ALL RIM CONTRACTS ARE PERPETUAL.
Eligible Land:
- Cropland or pasture located next to streams, ditches, lakes or wetlands.
- Any land that contains legally drained wetlands that can be restored to their pre-drainage condition.
- Must be at least five or more acres in size.
Frequent Questions About RIM:
- Who controls access to the easement area? Access is controlled solely by the landowner. No public access is allowed unless granted by the landowner. The landowner also retained all rights (hunting, recreation, etc.) except for the conservation easement rights, which are purchased by the state. The landowner must pay taxes each year.
- What is the payment for a RIM easement? Payment rates vary by township and past land use. Payment rates change each year. Areas may be donated, if a landowner chooses to increase their applications chances of being chosen for funding.
- Who is eligible to enroll land? Anyone who has owned the land for at least one year and can provide evidence of a good and marketable land title can apply.
- How Can I apply for a RIM easement? Anyone interested in enrolling land into the RIM program can do so by contacting Todd SWCD. We can determine if the land is eligible, and if so, assist you in completing an application for enrollment. Applications are considered for funding once per year.
For more information about the RIM program contact Todd SWCD
In Minnesota, it is estimated that 11 million acres of wetland areas have been lost in the last 100 years. There are approximately 9 million acres remaining. The Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) was passed in 1991. The ultimate goal of the Act is no more net loss of wetlands. In order to attain this goal, draining, filling, and excavation is prohibited unless:
- The drain, fill or excavation activity is exempt.
- Wetlands are replaced by restoring or creating wetland areas of at least equal public value.
Benefits of Wetlands
- Provides flood control by storing excess water during rain events and Spring melting.
- Increases water quality by filtering sediments and nutrients before they enter lakes, rivers and streams.
- Provides habitat for fish, birds, amphibians and other wildlife.
- Provides erosion control by slowing the flow of water between upland areas and waterways.
- Provided groundwater recharge by detaining water and allowing it to percolate to the water table.
- Provides habitat for rare, endangered and threatened plants and animals.
How to Determine if Area is a Wetland
- Three conditions must be present to define areas as a wetland:Hydric Soil–Soils that show characteristics of development under wet conditions.Hydrology–Water present within top 12″ of the surface for 5% of growing season under normal rainfall years.Hydrophytic Vegetation–Vegetation that is adapted to living in wet conditions. Examples: Pitcher plants, lady slippers, jack-in-the pulpit, sedges, tamarack and black spruce.
Additional Information
Todd County Soil and Water Board of Supervisors meet the 2nd Thursday of each month at 8:30 a.m. in the Prairie Conference room located in the Historic Courthouse, except in February, May and November, unless a meeting is called by the Board of Supervisors.
Meeting Date | Agenda | Minutes |
1/9/2025 | Agenda | Minutes |
TBD | Agenda | Minutes |
3/13/2025 | Agenda | Minutes |
4/10/2025 | Agenda | Minutes |
5/8/2025 | Agenda | Minutes |
6/12/2025 | Agenda | Minutes |
7/10/2025 | Agenda | Minutes |
8/14/2025 | Agenda | Minutes |
9/11/2025 | Agenda | Minutes |
10/9/2025 | Agenda | Minutes |
11/13/2025 | Agenda | Minutes |
12/11/2025 | Agenda | Minutes |
Soil & Water Board of Supervisors
- Barb James (320-732-2644)—Area I–Staples, Fawn Lake, Germania, Villard, Moran, Turtle Creek
- Wayne Wendel (320-815-1040)—Area II–Bartlett, Bertha, Burleene, Stowe Prairie, Wykeham, Eagle Valley
- Dale Katterhagen (320-761-6418)—Area III–Ward, Iona, Little Elk, Long Prairie, Hartford
- Larry Bebus (952-250-2158)—Area IV–Bruce, Birchdale, Grey Eagle, Round Prairie, Burnhamville
- Thomas Williamson (320-808-9506)—Area V –Leslie, Gordon, Kandota, Reynolds, Little Sauk, West Union
What does it take to be a Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisor?
Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCDs) are special purpose units of government that manage natural resource programs. Minnesota’s 88 SWCDs cover the entire state, their boundaries usually coincide with the county lines. Each SWCD is run by a board of five elected Supervisors. To be a Supervisor, you need:
- Supervisors must have- or be willing to learn- some basic knowledge to effectively carry out their responsibilities. They must understand:
- Some of the fundamentals about the environment and how it works;
- The relationship between land use decisions and the environment;
- The effect environment decisions have on other aspects of our lives; and
- Local concerns, attitudes and needs.
- Supervisors must be concerned about:
- Our environment and natural resources;
- Maintaining and improving water quality; and
- Protecting our soil.
- Supervisors must be willing to take an active leadership role in the community. This can involve:
- Setting local conservation priorities
- Educating friends and neighbors about the environment;
- Working with other local government units, state and federal agencies, and other elected officials;
- Setting a positive example;
- Take unpopular stands;
- Balancing economic needs with environmental concerns, and
- Sacrificing short-term gains for long-term benefits
Meeting Date | Agenda | Minutes |
1/11/2024 | Agenda | Minutes |
2/20/2024 | Agenda | Minutes |
3/14/2024 | Agenda | Minutes |
4/11/2024 | Agenda | Minutes |
5/9/2024 | Agenda | Minutes |
6/13/2024 | Agenda | Minutes |
7/11/2024 | Agenda | Minutes |
8/8/2024 | Agenda | Minutes |
9/12/2024 | Agenda | Minutes |
10/10/2024 | Agenda | Minutes |
11/14/2024 | Agenda | Minutes |
12/12/2024 | Agenda | Minutes |
1/12/2023 | Agenda | Minutes |
2/21/2023 | Agenda | Minutes |
3/9/2023 | Agenda | Minutes |
4/13/2023 | Agenda | Minutes |
5/11/2023 | Agenda | Minutes |
6/8/2023 | Agenda | Minutes |
7/13/2023 | Agenda | Minutes |
8/10/2023 | Agenda | Minutes |
9/14/2023 | Agenda | Minutes |
10/12/2023 | Agenda | Minutes |
11/9/2023 | Agenda | Minutes |
12/14/2023 | Agenda | Minutes |
1/13/2022 | Agenda | Minutes |
February 1, 2022-Joint Meeting | Agenda | See Commissioner's Page |
3/10/2022 | Agenda | Minutes |
4/14/2022 | Agenda | Minutes |
5/12/2022 | Agenda | Minutes |
6/9/2022 | Agenda | Minutes |
7/14/2022 | Agenda | Minutes |
8/11/2022 | Agenda | Minutes |
9/8/2022 | Agenda Part 1Agenda Part 2 | Minutes |
10/13/2022 | Agenda | Minutes |
11/10/2022 | Agenda Meeting will be held at Rock Tavern located by Grey Eagle. Following the meeting, there will be a work session, followed by a small tour. | Minutes |
12/8/2022 | Agenda | Minutes |
1/14/2021 | Agenda | Minutes |
2/16/2021 | Agenda Joint Meeting Join Zoom | Minutes |
3/11/2021 | Agenda Joint Meeting Join Zoom | Minutes |
4/8/2021 | Agenda Join Zoom | Minutes |
5/13/2021 | Agenda | Minutes |
6/10/2021 | Agenda | Minutes |
7/8/2021 | Agenda | Minutes |
8/12/2021 | Agenda | Minutes |
9/9/2021 | Agenda | Minutes |
10/14/2021 | Agenda Location Change: Timbers Restaurant, Staples, MN | Minutes |
11/19/2021 | Agenda Work Session to follow meeting. Location Change: Stone Hill Farm, Eagle Bend, MN | Minutes |
12/9/2021 | Agenda | Minutes |
1/9/2020 | Board Packet | Minutes |
February 18, 2020 - Joint Commissioner's | See Commissioner's Page | |
3/12/2020 | Board Packet | Minutes |
4/9/2020 | Board Packet | Minutes |
5/14/2020 | Board Packet | Minutes |
6/11/2020 | Board Packet | Minutes |
7/9/2020 | Board Packet Part 1 Board Packet Part 2 | Minutes |
8/13/2020 | Board Packet Part 1 Board Packet Part 2 Proposed Budget 2021 | Minutes |
9/10/2020 | Board Packet | Minutes |
10/8/2020 | Board Packet | Minutes |
November - 12 (Location Change) | Board Packet | Minutes |
12/10/2020 | Board Packet | Minutes |
1/10/2019 | Agenda Board Packet | Minutes |
February 6, 2019 - Joint meeting | See Commissioner's Page | |
February 14, 2019 - Special Board Meeting | Agenda Board Packet | Minutes |
3/14/2019 | Agenda Board Packet | Minutes |
4/11/2019 | Agenda Board Packet | Minutes |
5/9/2019 | Agenda Board Packet | Minutes |
6/13/2019 | Agenda Board Packet | Minutes |
7/11/2019 | Board Packet | Minutes |
8/8/2019 | Board Packet | Minutes |
9/12/2019 | Board Packet | Minutes |
10/10/2019 | Agenda Board Packet | Minutes |
November 14, 2019 - Work Session | Agenda | |
12/12/2019 | Agenda Board Packet | Minutes |
Januray 11, 2018 | Agenda Board Packet | Minutes |
February 6, 2018 - Joint Meeting | See Commissioner's Page | See Commissioner's Page |
March 8, 2018 (9:30 a.m.) | Agenda Board Packet | Minutes |
4/12/2018 | Agenda Board Packet | Minutes |
May 10, 2018 *8:05 a.m. | Agenda Board Packet | Minutes |
6/14/2018 | Agenda Board Packet | Minutes |
7/12/2018 | Agenda Board Packet | Minutes |
8/9/2018 | Agenda Board Packet | Minutes |
9/13/2018 | Agenda Board Packet | Minutes |
10/11/2018 | Agenda Board Packet | Minutes |
November- No Meeting | ||
12/13/2018 | Agenda Board Packet | Minutes |
1/8/2017 | Minutes | |
February 7, 2017-Joint Meeting | See Commissioner's Page | See Commissioner's Page |
3/9/2017 | Agenda Board Packet | Minutes |
4/13/2017 | Agenda Board Packet | Minutes |
5/4/2017 | Agenda Board Packet | |
6/8/2017 | Agenda Board Packet | Minutes |
7/13/2017 | Agenda Board Packet | Minutes |
8/10/2017 | Agenda Board Packet | Minutes |
9/14/2017 | Agenda Board Packet | Minutes |
10/12/2017 | Agenda Board Packet | Minutes |
11/9/2017 | Agenda Board Packet | Minutes |
November 9, 2017-Work Session | Agenda Work Session Packet | |
12/14/2017 | Agenda Board Packet | Minutes |
1/14/2016 | Agenda | Minutes |
February 16, 2016 - Joint Meeting with County Commissioners | Joint Meeting Agenda | See Commissioner's Page |
3/10/2016 | Agenda | Minutes |
4/14/2016 | Agenda | Minutes |
No Meeting is Scheduled for May | ||
6/9/2016 | Agenda | Minutes |
7/14/2016 | Agenda | Minutes |
August 4, 2016 Special Meeting | Minutes | |
8/11/2016 | Agenda | Minutes |
9/8/2016 | Agenda | Minutes |
10/13/2016 | Agenda | Minutes |
No Meeting is Scheduled for November | ||
12/8/2016 | Agenda | Minutes |
1/8/2015 | Agenda | Minutes |
3/12/2015 | Agenda | Minutes |
4/9/2015 | Agenda | Minutes |
6/11/2015 | Agenda | Minutes |
7/9/2015 | Agenda | Minutes |
8/13/2015 | Agenda | Minutes |
9/10/2015 | Agenda | Minutes |
10/8/2015 | Agenda | Minutes |
November 12, 2015 (Work Session) | Work Session Agenda | See Commissioner's Page |
12/10/2015 | Agenda | Minutes |
1/9/2014 | Agenda | Minutes |
3/13/2014 | Agenda | Minutes |
4/10/2014 | Agenda | Minutes |
6/12/2014 | Agenda | Minutes |
7/10/2014 | Agenda | Minutes |
8/14/2014 | Agenda | Minutes |
9/11/2014 | Agenda | Minutes |
10/9/2014 | Agenda | Minutes |
12/11/2014 | Agenda | Minutes |
1/10/2013 | Agenda | Minutes |
3/14/2013 | Agenda | Minutes |
4/11/2013 | Agenda | Minutes |
6/13/2013 | Agenda | Minutes |
7/11/2013 | Agenda | Minutes |
Agenda | Minutes | |
September 12, 2013 (Meeting will start at 9:00 AM) | Agenda | Minutes |
10/10/2013 | Agenda | Minutes |
11/14/2013 | Agenda | Minutes |
12/12/2013 | Agenda | Minutes |
1/17/2012 | Agenda | Minutes |
3/13/2012 | Agenda | Minutes |
4/10/2012 | Agenda | Minutes |
5/8/2012 | Agenda | Minutes |
6/12/2012 | Agenda | Minutes |
7/10/2012 | Agenda | Minutes |
8/14/2012 | Agenda | Minutes |
9/11/2012 | Agenda | Minutes |
10/9/2012 | Agenda | Minutes |
Special Joint Meeting SWCD Supervisors/County Board | Agenda | See Commissioners Minutes |
11/13/2012 | Agenda | Minutes |
12/11/2012 | Agenda | Minutes |
1/1/2011 | Agenda | Minutes |
3/1/2011 | Agenda | Minutes |
4/1/2011 | Agenda | Minutes |
May (Special) 2011 | Agenda | Minutes |
6/1/2011 | Agenda | Minutes |
7/1/2011 | Agenda | Minutes |
8/1/2011 | Agenda | Minutes |
9/1/2011 | Agenda | Minutes |
10/1/2011 | Agenda | Minutes |
12/1/2011 | Agenda | Minutes |
1/1/2010 | Agenda | Minutes |
3/1/2010 | Agenda | Minutes |
4/1/2010 | Agenda | Minutes Special Meeting |
6/1/2010 | Agenda | Minutes Special Meeting |
7/1/2010 | Agenda | Minutes |
8/1/2010 | Agenda | Minutes |
9/1/2010 | Agenda | Minutes |
10/1/2010 | Agenda | Minutes |
12/1/2010 | Agenda | Minutes |
The purpose of grant programs is to provide technical assistance and financial assistance to landowners to install conservation practices that protect and improve water quality by controlling soil erosion and reducing sedimentation.
To learn more about Soil and Water grant fund opportunities, please contact the Todd SWCD office at 320-732-2644.
Clean Water Legacy Funding
On November 4th 2008, Minnesota voters approved the Clean Water, Land and Legacy Amendment to the state constitution.
The Amendment increases the sales and use tax rate by three-eighths of one percent, starting July 1, 2009 and continuing through 2034.
Amendment dollars are dedicated to four funds:
- Outdoor Heritage Fund
- Parks and Trails Fund
- Cultural Heritage Fund
- Clean Water Fund
Local Soil and Water Conservation District offices may apply for money from the Clean Water Fund to fund local projects.
The Clean Water Fund was created to:
- Protect, Enhance, and Restore lakes, rivers, streams, and groundwater
- Protect drinking water sources
The Clean Water Funds are distributed through the Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR). BWSR grants provide the funding to local units of government to deliver soil and water conservation services to their communities. Grant funds support and increase local capacity to implement programs and provide cost-share with landowners who install conservation practices on their land to benefit State water and soil resources.
The Legislative Coordinating Commission (LCC) maintains the website Minnesota’s Legacy, Watch the Progress, to help Minnesotans monitor how Amendment dollars are spent.
Legislative Coordination Commission (LCC) Home page:
Future Of Long Prairie Watershed
What Watershed are You?- Part 1
Introducing the Long Prairie Watershed – Part 2
Rural Dictionary- Acronym of the Year: 1W1P- Part 3
Planning for a Plan — the Long Prairie One Watershed, One Plan- Part 4
Mississippi River Brainerd Watershed Project Update June 2020
- ) Priority Concerns Scoping Document
- ) Crow Wing Watershed
- ) Long Prairie Watershed
- ) Mississippi – Brainerd Watershed
- ) Mississippi – Sartell Watershed
- ) Redeye Watershed
- ) Sauk Watershed
- ) Protected Waters of Minnesota
- ) Regulatory Guidelines
- ) Non- Point Source Pollution
Purpose of the Local Water Plan:
- Identify existing and potential problems and opportunities for protection, management, and development of water and related land resources
- Develop objectives and carry out a plan of action to promote sound hydrologic management of water and related land resources, effective environmental protection and efficient management.
What’s the best way to manage natural resources in the Sauk River watershed? We want to hear your ideas. Click for here for dates of the public meetings locations on Tuesday, November 13 & Wednesday, November 14.
Ground Water
High Capacity Wells
Wellhead Protection Areas
Groundwater Education
Surface Water
Impaired Waters
Upper Mississippi River Basin
DNR Citizen Volunteer
Land Use
Ordinance Basics
Development BMPs
Storm Water Management
2015 Water Plan Survey Results
Wellhead Protection Area (WHPA) is the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) approved surface and subsurface area surrounding a public water supply well or well field that supplies a public water system, through which contaminants are likely to move toward and reach the well or well field.
Drinking water supply management area (DWSMA) is the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) approved surface and subsurface area surrounding a public water supply well that completely contains the scientifically calculated wellhead protection area and is managed by the entity identified in a wellhead protection plan. The boundaries of the drinking water supply management area are delineated by identifiable physical features, landmarks or political and administrative boundaries.
Drinking water supply management area (DWSMA) vulnerability is an assessment of the likelihood for a potential contaminant source within the drinking water supply management area to contaminate a public water supply well based on the aquifer’s inherent geologic sensitivity; and the chemical and isotopic composition of the groundwater.
Source water assessment area (SWA) is the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) interim surface and subsurface area surrounding a public water supply well that completely contains the scientifically calculated time-of-travel (TOT) area. The primary purpose of the SWA is to give the public water supplier an idea of the potential size of the final Wellhead Protection Area (WHPA). The TOT for a non-vulnerable SWA is 3 years and for a vulnerable SWA is 10 years. Ultimately the SWA will be replaced by a WHPA and a corresponding Drinking Water Supply Management Area (DWSMA).
**Some towns may have completed their WHPA and the GIS data may not have been updated. When it becomes available our maps will also be updated.
Tune into KEYL/Hot Rod Radio Show the 2nd Friday of each month at 8:30 a.m. to hear Conservation News from Todd Soil and Water.
Soil and Water Annual Plans
2025 Annual Plan of Work
2024 Annual Plan of Work
2023 Annual Plan of Work
2022 Annual Plan of Action
2021 Annual Plan of Action
2020 Annual Plan of Action
Soil and Water Annual Report
2023 Annual Report
2022 Annual Report
2021 Annual Report
2020 Annual Report
2019 Annual Report
2018 Annual Report
Soil and Water Newsletters
July 2020
July 2019
January 2019
July 2018
January 2018
Todd SWCD Resolution for SWCD Aid Funds – Effective 8/8/2024
Todd SWCD Resolution for SWCD AID Funds – Effective 7/13/2023
FY21 Local Capacity Funds
FY20 Local Capacity Funds
FY19 Local Capacity Funds
FY18 Local Capacity Funds
FY17 Local Capacity Funds
FY2021 Buffer Compliance Report
FY21 Buffer Law
FY20 Buffer Law
FY19 Buffer Law
FY18 Buffer Allocation
FY18 Buffer Cost Share
FY18 Buffer Law
2021 Local Water Management Report
2021 Wetland Conservation Act Report
2020 Local Water Management Report
2020 Wetland Conservation Act Report
2019 Local Water Management Report
2019 Wetland Conservation Act Report
2018 NRBG Water Plan Report
2018 NRBG WCA Report
FY2020 BWSR Partridge River-Match Report
2021 Grow As You Know – Sauk River
2021 CREP Outreach and Implementation
FY2023 LCCMR Pilot Report
FY2023 Soil Health Cost Share
(Other NRBG Reports can be found under Planning & Zoning, under Publications tab).
The Todd SWCD works with a wide variety of partners including: Counties, watershed districts, cities, townships, local businesses, the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources and many other state and federal agencies. District conservation partners assist in everything from volunteering to the funding of conservation practices. These partnerships are critical for getting conservation projects on the ground.
The Wadena Soil and Water Conservation District along with the Todd and Hubbard SWCD’s would like to inform you about the Irrigation Scheduler Program that is available to join. Irrigation Scheduler Program is designed to help you make sound, irrigation management decisions. This program is open to any farmer with center pivot irrigation. If you are converting a center pivot over to low pressure and are using NRCS’s EQIP program, this program will cover their irrigation management requirements.
- National Association of Conservation Districts
- US Army Corps of Engineers
- US Fish & Wildlife Service
- US Geologic Survey
- US Dept. of Agriculture
- Environmental Protection Agency
- NRCS Soils Information
- Natural Resources Conservation Service
- Todd County
- Sauk River Watershed District
- NRCS – See NRCS Partnership
- Board of Water & Soil Resources
- U of M Extension Service
- Department of Natural Resources
- Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA)
- Minnesota Association of Soil & Water Conservation Districts
- Minnesota Association of Watershed Districts
- DNR Division of Forestry
- Minnesota Farm Service Agency
Lake Associations
- Mound Lake
- Big Swan
- Big Birch
- Lake Osakis
- Big Sauk
Local NRCS Staff
Address: 607 9th ST NE, Long Prairie, MN 56347
Phone: 320-732-6618 or 320-732-2900
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination against its customers. If you believe you experienced discrimination when obtaining services from USDA, participating in a USDA program, or participating in a program that receives financial assistance from USDA, you may file a complaint with USDA. Information about how to file a discrimination complaint is available from the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights. USDA prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex (including gender identity and expression), marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, political beliefs, genetic information, reprisal, or because all or part of an individual’s income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.)
Todd SWCD 2025 Tree Order form
Greetings from Todd County Soil and Water Conservation District (Todd SWCD) Unsure what type of tree would do best on your property? We have staff available to help you decide on your tree selection. ...
Todd Soil and Water Conservation District Board of Supervisors MASWCD Annual Convention
Todd Soil and Water Conservation District Board of Supervisors have been invited to attend the MASWCD Annual Convention on December 2-4, 2024 at the DoubleTree by Hilton in Bloomington, MN....
Todd Soil and Water Conservation District Board of Supervisors Meeting Notice
Todd Soil and Water Conservation District Board of Supervisors will be having their November 14, 2024 board meeting at HOOK and Slice located at 2921 MN-29, Alexandria, MN 56308. The meeting will star...
Soil and Water Board of Supervisors Meeting Notice
Todd Soil and Water Board of Supervisors meeting for Thursday, October 10, 2024 location has been changed to Tutti Frutti Restaurant and Market Farm located at 38914 CO RD 186, Sauk Centre, MN 56378.T...