Welcome to the Public Safety Services Division
The Public Safety Division strives to provide quality services and information to the residents of Todd County. Some of the services provided include Adult and Juvenile prosecution, child protection, civil process, enforcing traffic laws, 911 dispatching, and inmate visitation. To find out more, visit the specific department pages listed below.
Contact Us
Long Prairie MN 56347
When: Fourth Monday Every Month: 1:00 – 3:00 pm Where: Todd County Law Library, 221 First Avenue South, Long Prairie, MN 56347 Pre-registration preferred. Call 320-253-0138 to register. FREE app...
Law Enforcement Scholarship Program for 2022
Sheriff Och of Todd County announced today the commencement of the Law Enforcement Scholarship Program for 2022. Sheriff Och proudly announced that the MSA Board of Directors has established a scholar...
Sheriff Partners with Crime Stoppers — FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Sheriff Partners with Crime Stoppers FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE BLOOMINGTON, MN — (January 5, 2022) –The increased rate of certain crimes in very visible stories during 2021 has heightened aw...
Minnesota Sheriff’s Association 2021 Scholarship Program
For Immediate Release Sheriff Steve Och of Todd County announced today the commencement of the Law Enforcement Scholarship Program for 2021. Sheriff Steve Och proudly announced that the MSA Board of D...