Too Wet Behind the Ears?!
The theme for the 2020 meeting is “Too Wet Behind the Ears!” (Corn ears, of course.) It may seem that rules and regulations for feedlots, farms, and livestock owners are a little wet behind the ears. Come to this year’s meeting at Central Lakes College in Staples on March 18, 2020 (10-2:30pm) to find out a little more why and how these rules are established.
We will run a live MinnFARM with farmer participation- to see firsthand the tool used to determine the compliance rating at your farm. Is it all wet? You decide. Hear from the Senior Climatologists, Kenny Blumenfeld, if corn is predicted to be “too” wet in years to come and other precipitation trends.
Hear from Kent Solberg how to best operate a beef farm with the soil and precipitation factors in mind, his recommendations, and research for those who are starting up or who are transitioning from dairy to beef operations,- a trend itself here in Todd County.
Mike Starkey, MDA, will speak on a trend we don’t want which is the spread of foreign animal disease. In a presentation titled, “It is not If, It is When”, Mike will discuss the realities behind Foot and Mouth Disease in bovines and the Asian Swine Flu.
Extension will be present to discuss the Secure Supply programs in animal production. Of course, the highlight continues to be the catering provided by Ted and Gen’s Bar-Be-Que and their finger lickin’ ribs. Other topics, door prizes, and more are in store for the 2020 Feedlot Meeting!
Call 320-732-2644 by March 11, 2020 to reserve a ticket for the FREE BUFFET.